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Hydraulic universal testing machine has been widely used in mechanical testing of building materials and metal materials due to its outstanding control function and test accuracy. In large iron and steel enterprises and laboratories of quality inspection units, test machines often carry out high-load tasks.


1. Hydraulic oil

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It is necessary to check the tank liquid level frequently and replenish oil in time; oil should be changed every 2000 to 4000 hours; but the most important thing is that the oil temperature should not exceed 70 (?) C, and the cooling system must be turned over when the oil temperature exceeds 60 (?).


2. The fastener of electro-hydraulic servo universal testing machine should be locked regularly.

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The oscillation after sample breaking often causes some fasteners to loosen. It is necessary to inspect them regularly (about 30 working days) in order to avoid large losses due to loosening of fasteners.


3. Lubricants

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The screw and transmission parts of the electro-hydraulic servo universal testing machine should be regularly lubricated to avoid dry conflict.


4. Filter

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For filters without blocking indicators, they are usually replaced every six months. The filter with blocking indicator should be monitored continuously and replaced immediately after the indicator alarms.


5. Accumulator

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Some electro-hydraulic servo universal testing machines are equipped with accumulators, which must ensure that the accumulator's pressure is in normal working condition. If the pressure is found to be insufficient, the pressure should be compensated immediately; only nitrogen should be charged to the accumulator.


6. Regular inspection of components

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All pressure control valves, flow control valves, pump regulators and pressure relays, stroke switches, thermal relays and other signal equipment, should be regularly checked.


7. Cooler

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The scale of air-cooled cooler should be regularly sorted out, and water-cooled copper pipe should be regularly investigated for cracking and leakage.

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Above is the hydraulic universal testing machine manufacturers to bring you information, to learn more about the relevant knowledge, welcome to pay attention to our official website.
